Sunday, January 22, 2006

Mama Moonbat on Matriotism

Matriotism is the opposite of patriotism…not to destroy it, but to be a yin to its yang, and balance out the militarism of patriotism.

Not everyone is a mother, but there is one universal truth that no one can dispute no matter how hard they try (and believe me, some will try): Everyone has a mother! Mothers give life, and if the child is lucky, mothers nurture life. And if a man has had a nurturing mother he will already have a base of Matriotism.

Cindy's essay on the latest language change in the "progressive" dictionary

LGF has the itinerary for Sheehan's South American tour here.

U.S. antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan will open the World Social Forum in Caracas on Tuesday together with other political and cultural leaders from diverse nations with a mass action, organizers for the event said Sunday.

Sheehan, mother of a dead soldier in Iraq who achieved notoriety from heading various antiwar actions against the government of George W. Bush, will give a speech at a march that will kick off the World Social Forum in the Venezuelan capital, said dara Edgardo Lander, a member of the organizing committee of the event.

In the action for which the activist will assist, “she will give an antiimperialist tone, anti-war, and also exhalt life and counter war”, the organizer explained in a press release.

The march that will initiate the World Social Forum in Caracas will begin on Tuesday in the afternoon from a nearby plaza to the Central University of Venezuela, to the south of Caracas, and end in the historic Paseo Los Próceres, neighboring Fort Tiuna, the main military base in the capital.

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