Monday, February 20, 2006
Hugo Chavez to Condi Rice: 'Don't mess with me, girl'
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez launched a new verbal attack against US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, bluntly warning her "don't mess with me, girl."
Responding to remarks before the US Congress last week in which Rice called Chavez a "challenge to democracy" in Latin America, Chavez warned the top US diplomat to back off.
"She messed with me again," he said in his weekly "Hello President" television show, deliberately mangling her name as "Condolences." "Don't mess with me, girl."
Last week, after her US Congress testimony, Chavez dismissed Rice as "the imperial lady."
He vowed Sunday that Washington would fail in its bid to arouse international opinion against Caracas, and accused the George W. Bush administration of fomenting transit strikes and other unrest to destabilize his country.
Via Yahoo Singapore
No word on whether next weeks "Hello President" will have Jimmy, Harry, or Cindy as guests.