Saturday, July 29, 2006

The AJC seems to think the Jews are lying-go figure

For a big city newspaper the Atlanta Journal-Constitution is woefully behind. They haven't even gotten around to telling us that the shooter was a Muslim, but he was a troubled youth with a history of mental illness...blah..blah..blah...

The gunman, who employees said claimed to be a Muslim angry at Israel, forced his way through the center's security door after an employee had punched in her security code, said Marla Meislin-Dietrich, a co-worker who was not at the building at the time.

Staff members said they overheard him saying "'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel,' before opening fire on everyone," Meislin-Dietrich said. "He was randomly shooting at everyone."

To be fair it was an AP story, but the rest of the antique media seems to have made it's way to the random Muslim excuse list.

**UPDATE** The paragraphs excerpted above have been rewritten as follows:

The gunman forced his way through the security door at the federation after an employee had punched in her security code, Marla Meislin-Dietrich, a database coordinator for the center who was not at the building at the time, told The Associated Press.

"He said `I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel,' before opening fire on everyone," Meislin-Dietrich said. "He was randomly shooting at everyone."

Michelle Malkin has more details and a reminder of how all these acts of violence are covered when a random Muslim is involved. What may be more sick is the way any bad act by one of our soldiers on the battlefield is covered by these same propagandists reporters. In that case the entire military is smeared as a bunch of murderous thugs.

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